The Running Of The Bulls – San Fermin In Nueva Orleans

Make sure not to miss the 12th Annual Running of the Bulls in New Orleans. The San Fermin In Nueva Orleans celebration kicks off on July 13  and runs through July 15. During one of the city’s most incredible Summer Spectacle you get the chance to join thousands of runners as they roam the streets of New Orleans and party with hundreds of Rollerbulls (roller derby skaters with horns on their helmets and plastic bats in their hands) from around the globe during the Encierro (bull run).

Release The Bulls

There are events all weekend long, but it is the El Encierro that is one of the most exciting happenings. The Encierro pays homage to the world famous Encierro of Pamplona, Spain, or “The Running of the Bulls.” However, the NOLA bulls are none other than the Big Easy Rollergirls and participants from other roller derby leagues across the country.  You can expect to see 18,000 participants and 400 Roller Bulls as New Orleans version  of Pamplona’s Fiesta hits the streets. On Saturday, July 14, 2018, starting at around 6:30am participants will start to gather at The Sugar Mill dressed in their running attire. The runner’s uniform consists of white shirt, white pants or shorts, and a piece of red cloth or sash around the neck or waste. This allows the roller bulls to know who they are out to chase throughout the run. The Procession of San Fermin kicks off the morning and an invocation precedes the Running of the Bulls at 8 AM SHARP! Following the event enjoy live music food and lots of fun. Proceeds from the event will go to Beth’s Friends Forever and Animal Rescue New Orleans.

For more details click here:

River Parish Disposal

As all of the RollerBulls and runners and spectators hit the streets for the San Fermin Running of the Bulls, River Parish Disposal will be out there supporting. You will probably spot our red sash throughout the San Fermin Events. This year we are providing Portable Toilets, Hand Sanitzer Units, Dumpsters, Disposable Trash Boxes and our own Krewe to help with cleanup.  So, when you see our gator approaching, throw some trash its way.